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Author Denys Mishunov

8 articles

Denys is a frontend developer & public speaker. Being 2-in-1: an art school graduate and an engineer, Denys is passionate about psychology, physics, history, drawing, literature. In his day-to-day job, he enjoys getting to the heart of the matter of things and processes.

Wading through the thicket of frontend technologies, during his career, Denys had a chance to work with design, to master the “CSS side” of the stack, and to enjoy architecting UX. However, for the last years, Denys has been building Javascript applications of different levels of complexity.

Proudly Senior Frontend Engineer at GitLab.

Frankenstein Migration: Framework-Agnostic Approach (Part 2)

Frankenstein Migration: Framework-Agnostic Approach (Part 1)

Now You See Me: How To Defer, Lazy-Load And Act With IntersectionObserver

Confessions Of An Impostor

True Lies Of Optimistic User Interfaces

Why Performance Matters, Part 3: Tolerance Management

Why Performance Matters, Part 2: Perception Management

Why Perceived Performance Matters, Part 1: The Perception Of Time