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Author Fernando Doglio

4 articles

Fernando Doglio has been working as a Web Developer for the past 13 years, and as a Technical Manager for the last 4. In that time, he’s come to love the web, and has had the opportunity of working with most of the leading technologies at the time, suchs as PHP, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Node. js, Angular.js, AJAX, REST APIs and others.

In his spare time, Fernando likes to tinker, learn new things, and write technical articles and books. He’s also a big open source supporter, always trying to bring new people into that realm.

When not programming, he is spending time with his family.

Writing A Multiplayer Text Adventure Engine In Node.js: Adding Chat Into Our Game (Part 4)

Writing A Multiplayer Text Adventure Engine In Node.js: Game Engine Server Design (Part 2)

Writing A Multiplayer Text Adventure Engine In Node.js (Part 1)