Stephanie is a design technologist with a passion for developer relations. She’s currently a Program Manager on the Microsoft Edge Developer Experiences team leading developer evangelism with a focus on design and front-end web platform capabilities. She also leads Web We Want, a cross browser and cross company initiative that at its core, acts as a community driven backlog of missing developer tools and web platform capabilities. She comes from a background in visual and user experience design and has been tinkering on the web for the last 18 years. When not online, she’s usually plotting her way back to Scotland or biking in the pacific northwest or the Sonoran desert, depending on the time of year.
Dual-screen devices are just the next evolution in responsive design. If you have a PWA or website, the APIs available make integrating into your existing code base seamless. This article explains why it’s an exciting time for layout on the web, and how dual screens provide an opportunity to get even more creative.
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In this article, Stephanie dives into the past by going back to the beginning of HTML and tracing the evolution of form controls through to the present and the current state of working with them.
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