In this article, Frank Joseph explains both weak and strong references in JavaScript, as well as the concept of reachability. Let’s dig in!
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CSS is constantly evolving, and some cool and useful properties either go completely unnoticed or are not talked about as much as others for some reason or another. In this article, we’ll cover a fraction of those CSS properties and selectors.
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What makes the underused Server-Timing header uniquely powerful among all other response headers? We’ll rethink the expectation for using it exclusively for timing and see fast solutions for hard-to-solve monitoring challenges.
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In this article, Dan Shappir analyzes the performance cost associated with various frameworks and explains the wide variety of framework and platform choices that are currently available to front-end and fullstack developers.
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At the end of 2021, the Chrome team shipped some functionality that has the ability to make or break sites meeting the Core Web Vitals. So, let’s learn a little bit more about the Back/Forward Cache (aka bfcache), and what you can do to test if your website is compatible with it.
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Introducing Partytown, a lightweight open-source solution that reduces execution delays due to third-party JavaScript by offloading third-party scripts to web workers, which run in background threads.
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This new attribute will enable us to fine-tune relative resource priority, improve LCP performance, deprioritize JavaScript fetch calls, and much more. Let’s check out fetchpriority and explore some potential use cases.
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Using signals to deliver less, or different, content is a form of progressive enhancement (or graceful degradation depending on how you look at it), whereby extraneous content is only loaded when necessary, but the core functionality of the website still works. In this article, we’ll look at some of the signals that can be used for this.
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How would you measure performance? Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for measuring performance. Different products will have different benchmarks and two apps may perform differently against the same metrics, but still rank quite similarly to our subjective “good” and “bad” verdicts. Web Vitals are the new gold standard in performance due to their direct correlation with the user’s experience. In this article, Atila Fassina will show you what monitoring can do and how RayGun can help you sustain performance maintenance while scaling your app.
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Statoscope is an instrument that analyses your webpack-bundles. Created by Sergey Melukov, it started out as an experimental version in late 2016, which has now become a full-fledged toolkit for viewing, analyzing, and validating webpack-bundles.