Andy Clarke is a well-known web designer, design consultant, and mentor. He’s been called plenty of things since he started working on the web. His ego likes terms such as “Ambassador for CSS,” “industry prophet,” and “inspiring,” but he’s most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a “triple-talented bastard.” With his wife Sue, Andy founded Stuff & Nonsense in 1998, where they’ve helped companies around the world to improve their designs by providing consulting and design expertise.
Inspired By: Alexey Brodovitch
In this fourth instalment of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will teach you about Alexey Brodovitch, one of the most influential art directors of the twentieth century. Andy will teach you about Brodovitch’s iconic work and show you how to apply some of his design techniques to the work you make for the web.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how scattering images will fill your designs with movement. Andy will teach you:
- how to mirror pictures and text,
- how to carve text into shapes using CSS Shapes.
NB: Smashing members have access to a beautifully designed PDF of Andy’s Inspired Design Decisions magazine and full code examples from this article.
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Tools and Setup
To join Smashing TV webinars, please install the Zoom client for Meetings, which is available for all the main OSs. It may take a little time to download and install, so please grab it ahead of time if you can. If you are a Smashing Member, please sign in first. Once you did, return to this page, and you should see a webinar URL.
What’s Smashing TV?
Smashing TV is a series of webinars and live streams packed with practical tips for designers and developers. Not just talks — conversations and “here-is-how-I-work”-sessions. Smashing Members can download recordings, too.
Think of it as some sort of a Hollywood blockbuster with cats. Just better, because it’s for people like you. Check upcoming webinars.
Previous Webinars
We run practical sessions every week. No fluff, just actionable techniques and strategies for building and designing better experiences. Here are a few recent ones:
- Smashing Audit Live #3
Vitaly Friedman on May 4, 2021 . - Smashing Audit Live #2
Vitaly Friedman on Mar 23, 2021 . - Smashing Audit Live
Vitaly Friedman on Feb 18, 2021 . - All About Icons
Marc Edwards on Oct 20, 2020 . - Accessibility With(out) Priorities
Chen Hui Jing on Sep 1, 2020 . - End-to-end Testing With A Real Browser
Umar Hansa on Aug 13, 2020 . - Getting Projects Out The Door Faster And Less Painful
Kristina Podnar on Aug 6, 2020 .