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Author Anselm Hannemann

119 articles

Anselm is a freelance front-end developer who cares about sustainable front-end experiences and ethical choices in life. He writes the WDRL, and is co-founder of the event platform Colloq.

Monthly Web Development Update 92019: Embracing Basic And Why Simple Is Hard

Monthly Web Development Update 82019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking

Monthly Web Development Update 72019: Modern Techniques And Good Trouble

Monthly Web Development Update 62019: Rethinking Privacy And User Engagement

Monthly Web Development Update 42019: Design Ethics And Clarity Over Style

Monthly Web Development Update 122018: WebP, The State Of UX, And A Low-Stress Experiment

Monthly Web Development Update 112018: Just-In-Time Design And Variable Font Fallbacks

Monthly Web Development Update 102018: The Hurricane Web, End-To-End-Integrity, And RAIL

Monthly Web Development Update 42018: On Effort, Bias, And Being Productive

Monthly Web Development Update 12018: Browser Diversity, Ethical Design, And CSS Alignment

Monthly Web Development Update 122017: Pragmatic Releasing, Custom Elements, And Making Decisions

Monthly Web Development Update 102017: CSS Grid, CAA Pitfalls, And Image Optimization

Web Development Reading List: Announcing Changes, A Design Kit, DNA Malware, And Why Meaning Is An Advantage

Web Development Reading List #190: Images in Web Notifications and Angular Code Splitting

Web Development Reading List #189: Sync Via Push API, RTL CSS, And The Disaster Factory

Web Development Reading List #188: Real-World Accessibility, Flexbox Madness, And The Ephemerality Of Things We Build

Web Development Reading List #187: Webpack 3, Assisted Writing, And Automated Chrome Testing

Web Development Reading List #186: Tor 7, Designing Depth, And Mac Ransomware

Web Development Reading List #185: Safari 11, New Edge Build, Chrome 59, And CSS Optimization Insights

Web Development Reading List #184: New Library Updates, Page Load Performance, And Continuance

Web Development Reading List #183: Comedy In Design, Security Checklist And The Life As A Nobody

Web Development Reading List #182: IPFS Wikipedia, New Webpack CLI, And CSS Grid Breakout

Web Development Reading List #181: Mass Deployments, Prepack, And Accessible Smart Cities

Web Development Reading List #180: DNS Over HTTPS, HAProxy Performance, And Decentralized AI

Web Development Reading List #179: Firefox 53, The Top Web Browsers, And Vue.js Authentication

Web Development Reading List #178: On CAA, Pong.js, And Meaningful Work

Web Development Reading List #177: Getting Started With Components, CT-Header, And New Regular Expressions

Web Development Reading List #176: Safari 10.1, Prompt()-Deprecation, And Professional Pride

Web Development Reading List #175: GraphQL, IndexedDB2, And An Open Ethical Internet

Web Development Reading List #174: The Bricks We Lay, Remynification, And 0-RTT

Web Development Reading List #173: CSS Grid Support, A Virtual DOM Alternative, And Designing Better Cards

Web Development Reading List #172: On Reporting Bugs, DNS Subdomain Takeovers, And Sustainable UX

Web Development Reading List #171: Leaks, SHA-1 Collision, And Brotli

Web Development Reading List #170: Hamburger Alternatives, Libsodium In PHP And Choosing Profit

Web Development Reading List #169: TLS At Scale, Brotli Benefits, And Easy Onion Deployments

Web Development Reading List #168: Preload With Webpack, A Guide To Security Headers, And Service Worker Fallacies

Web Development Reading List #167: On Team Retreats, Immutable Cache, And Eliminating Clearfix Hacks

Web Development Reading List #166: Efficient Docker, CSP Learnings, And JavaScript’s Global Object

Web Development Reading List #165: Starting The New Year With Browser News, Container Architecture, And React “Aha” Moments

Web Development Reading List #164: Enjoy The End Of 2016, It Wasn’t The Worst

Web Development Reading List #163: The End-Of-Year Wrap-Up

Web Development Reading List #162: Server Side React, Inclusive Design And The Web Worldwide

Web Development Reading List #161: Restyling Form Elements, HTTP/2 HPACK, And The Empathy Vacuum

Web Development Reading List #160: Real Stories About HTTP/2, Cascading Style Sheets, And Code Of Shame

Web Development Reading List #159: Code Splitting, A New Bundler, And Blake2x

Web Development Reading List #158: Form Usability, Vue.js, And Unfolding Critical CSS

Web Development Reading List #157: FlyWeb, Lying Charts, And Feedback Without Context

Web Development Reading List #156: Browser News, Webpack 2, And Lessons Learned From HPKP

Web Development Reading List #155: On JSPerf, Client Hints, And Keeping The Balance

Web Development Reading List #154: Yarn, Deep-Fried Data, And A Guide To Stateful Components

Web Development Reading List #153: Slow JavaScript, A Universal Typeface, And Healthy Work Environments

Web Development Reading List #152: On Not Shipping, Pure JS Functions, And SameSite Cookies

Web Development Reading List #151: Microinteraction UX, Feature Policy, And Passport.js

Web Development Reading List #150: Less Code, GitHub’s Security, And The Morals Of Science

Web Development Reading List #149: CSS Dynamic Colors, Refactoring CSS, And CSP Hashing

Web Development Reading List #148: CSS Color Syntax Change, Browser News, And Hidden Expectations

Web Development Reading List #147: Security Guidelines, Accessible UI Components, And Content-First Design

Web Development Reading List #146: Peermaps, Passive Event Listener Note, And A Shift Of Focus

Web Development Reading List #145: Font Loading Strategies, Scaling SVGs And Infinite Scrolling Done Right

Web Development Reading List #144: CSP Mistakes, JS Debugging And Failure Testing

Web Development Reading List #143: The Referrer Header, Third-Party Scripts, And Color Psychology

Web Development Reading List #142: Contextual Identities, Form Hints, And ApplePay.js

Web Development Reading List #141: jQuery 3, Chillout.js, And How Technology Shapes Society

Web Development Reading List #140: CSS-Only Dropdowns, Toggles And HTML Sliders

Web Development Reading List #139: jQuery 3, Web Payment API, And ES6 Tricks

Web Development Reading List #138: Accessible Web Components And CSS And Sass Precision

Web Development Reading List #137: The New Let’s Encrypt Client And SSH Shortcuts

Web Development Reading List #136: Design Usability, Meaningful CSS And Project Include

Web Development Reading List #135: Boxy SVG, How To Keep Up, CSS Frameworks

Web Development Reading List #134: AI, Keyboard Interactions And Living Style Guides

Web Development Reading List #133: Workflow Tools And The Aesthetics Of Invisible Code

Web Development Reading List #132: The Challenges In Our Field, Debouncing And The Contain CSS Property

Web Development Reading List #131: Git 2.8, CSS Grids And The Key To Good Code

Web Development Reading List #130: Opera Mini, Workflow Fragility And Happy Work

Web Development Reading List #129: CSRF, Modern Tooling And The UX Of Web Fonts

Web Development Reading List #128: Firefox 45, A Multi-Colored Font And Better Force-Pushing

Web Development Reading List #127: jQuery 3, UX Research And XSS In Ads

Web Development Reading List #126: Clever Interfaces, An Open AMP Alternative And The Art Of Slow Growth

Web Dev. Reading List #125

Web Dev. Reading List #124

Web Dev Reading List #123

‘Web Development Reading List #122: A Performance Budget Builder, Streams, And The Web Push API’

‘Web Development Reading List #121: The Illusion Of Completeness, Client Hints, CSS Subgrids’

‘Web Development Reading List #120: Safari 9.1, Chakra Core Open Sourced, ES6 Object Shorthand Syntax’

‘Web Development Reading List #119: Bulletproof Third-Party Content and Progressive Applications’

Web Development Reading List #118: Opera Mini, BPG Format, Accessible Tabs and Flexbox

Web Development Reading List #117: Storytelling, Security in Devtools and 350ms Tap Delay

Web Development Reading List #116

Web Development Reading List #115

Web Development Reading List #114

Web Development Reading List #113: SVG Optimization and Native DOM Selection Tricks

Web Development Reading List #112: Edge Update and Performance Monitoring

Web Development Reading List #111: Preconnect, Dynamic Responsive Images, DOM Event Listeners

Web Development Reading List #110: Jekyll, libSass, 2G Tuesdays and Service Workers

Web Development Reading List #109

Web Development Reading List #108

Web Development Reading List #107

Web Development Reading List #106

Web Development Reading List #105

Web Development Reading List #104

Web Development Reading List #103

Web Development Reading List #102

Web Development Reading List #101

Web Development Reading List #100

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